Terms and Conditions

Welcome to our Adymio Books platform (the "Platform"), a virtual space dedicated to self-publishers who want to run advertising campaigns on Amazon. Below you will find the terms and conditions of use (the "Terms of Use") defined by Adymio Books for accessing and using the platform, as well as for the use of the services offered by the same (the "Services"). The individual who visits the Platform and/or accesses and/or uses the Adymio Books Services is hereinafter referred to as the "User" (or "Users").

  1. Acceptance of the Terms of Use: The User who intends to access the Platform and use the Services contained therein agrees to undertake to comply with these Terms of Use. By accessing Adymio Books, the User represents and warrants that he has the right, authority and ability to accept and comply with the Terms of Use. In particular, you declare that you have read, understood and accepted: 1) that you are bound by the Terms of Use which establish the conditions of use of Adymio Books and the Services, 2) that you have the legal title and capacity to accept and comply with the Terms of Use and 3) to have undertaken to comply with the applicable laws and regulations regarding the access and use of Adymio Books and the Services, relating to the protection of personal data, copyright and industrial property rights, contrast of computer crimes.

Adymio Books reserves the right to modify or simply update these Terms of Use in whole or in part. The changes and updates will be binding as soon as they are published and made available to Users on the Platform, in the specific section "Terms and Conditions of Use." Therefore, Adymio Books invites Users to periodically consult and check the Terms of Use, in order to verify the publication of the most recent updates and/or changes. Adymio Books also invites Users not to use the Platform if they do not agree, in whole or in part, with the Adymio Books Terms of Use. For the processing of personal data, the User is invited to consult the appropriate section dedicated to the Privacy Policy, in order to better understand how Adymio Books collects and uses the personal data of Users and for what purposes.

2.Registration and access to Adymio Books: To access the Platform and take advantage of the Services offered by Adymio Books, you must be registered. Registration is free and takes place by filling in a special form on the Platform, in which the User enters their personal data, up to the creation of a personal profile, called "Account." To this end, it is necessary to complete the appropriate procedure by providing current, complete and accurate information as requested in the appropriate online form. It is the User's responsibility to keep the data provided from time to time updated, complete and accurate, and the User is responsible for any damage caused by failure to comply with these obligations. The User acknowledges and declares to be solely responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the personal data and information provided. The User undertakes not to access the Account if he is not the true and legitimate owner of the access credentials.

The registration, access, and use of Adymio Books presuppose the reading, knowledge, and acceptance of these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

3.How to use Adymio Books and related Services: In general, the Services offered by Adymio Books are aimed at self-publishers who want to run advertising campaigns on Amazon.

The Services consist of the possibility for self-publishers to learn about an automated solution that can save them time and money while running advertising campaigns on Amazon. The User who accesses the Platform and intends to use the Services undertakes, under his responsibility, to enter completely anonymous information, data, or any writing file, video or image that cannot be in any way attributable to an identified or identifiable person. In other words, all diagnostic data relating to customers must be made anonymous enough to prevent or not allow the identification of the data subject.

Adymio Books does not guarantee continuous and uninterrupted access to its platform and the Services, the functionality of which could be affected by various factors beyond the control of Adymio Books.

Access to Adymio Books may be suspended and/or interrupted at the discretion of Adymio Books, by way of example, for technical reasons of any kind, for business choices, for the occurrence of a fortuitous event or force majeure, for breach of obligations of the User set out below, without, in any case, the latter having anything to claim from Adymio Books.

Adymio Books reserves the right to make changes to Adymio Books and the Services, and how they are accessed and delivered. If the User does not wish to continue using the Platform and the Services according to the new version and/or the new Terms of Use, he may delete his Account by contacting us or writing to us at the email address adymio.books@gmail.com.

4.Unauthorized use of Adymio Books: The User is required to use Adymio Books and the Services in punctual and constant compliance with the law, public order, and morality (including the customary rules attributable to the so-called Netiquette) and with the provisions of these Terms of Use. You agree not to use Adymio Books or any related Services for any unlawful, obscene, abusive, abusive, harassing, improper, or objectionable purpose, to sell or offer to sell any goods or services, to conduct or submit surveys, contests or chain letters, or for any purpose that is prohibited by the Terms of Use and applicable laws.

The User undertakes not to use the Services for:

  • Upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit or disseminate any material that contains viruses or other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functioning of any software or hardware;
  • Interfere with or disrupt the Services, servers or networks connected to the Services, act contrary to any requirement, procedure or rule of networks connected to the Services;
  • Collect or store personal data of other Users or other subjects, in the absence of their explicit consent.

You agree not to post or store on Adymio Books any software, information, data, databases, music, audio, video or audio-video files, photographs, images, documents, text, digital files, or other material that infringes the rights of intellectual property (including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, publicity rights, or, to the extent protectable, proprietary ideas). Your illegal or unauthorized use of Adymio Books, including, but not limited to, framing of Adymio Books or linking to unauthorized sites or the unauthorized use of any robot, spider or other automatic device on Adymio Books, will be investigated and will be subject to any legal action it deems appropriate, including civil action.

The User undertakes not to use Adymio Books and the Services for purposes that are illegal, illicit, contrary to public order, morality or harmful to the rights of others, and not to transmit material and/or messages that encourage third parties to implement an unlawful and/or criminal offense liable to criminal, civil, or administrative liability, not to take any action that creates an unreasonable burden or excessive IT load on the Adymio Books system.

You may not use any automatic or manual practice, device, process, software, program, algorithm, methodology, or routine, including, but not limited to, "robots," "spiders," or other similar processes or features, to interfere or attempt to interfere with Adymio Books or the Services.

The User must not use Adymio Books and the Services for the purpose or in such a way as to cause damage to Adymio Books or to third parties, thus having to refrain from using them to carry out activities in competition, or in any case in such a way as to cause damage or prejudice to the interests and image of Adymio Books, other users or third parties. It is forbidden to record and distribute any consultation with the experts.

In the event of a violation of the Terms of Use, Adymio Books reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to Adymio Books and the Services without notice and to cancel the data provided.

If Adymio Books receives reports of possible complaints or violations by Users or suspects that the use of the Services violates the Terms of Use and, in particular, the intellectual property rights of Adymio Books or third parties, or other applicable laws, Adymio Books may, in its sole discretion, suspend or terminate your access to Adymio Books and the Services, without notice.

5.   Limitations of Use:

Your permission to use Adymio Books and the Services is automatically revoked if you violate all or part of the Terms of Use and applicable laws.

You may visit, view, and retain one copy of the Adymio Books pages for your personal use, and you agree not to duplicate, download, post, modify, or otherwise distribute the Adymio Books materials for any commercial or for any purpose other than as described in these Terms of Use.

You further agree not to deep-link to Adymio Books for any purpose, unless specifically authorized by Adymio Books.

6.Industrial and Intellectual Property:

Except for content provided by Users and/or from an external source, all information and materials appearing on Adymio Books or as part of Adymio Books and the Services (including text, graphics, images, illustrations, drawings, icons, photographs, video clips, audio clips, interfaces, software, logos, titles, and names, collectively "intellectual property") are the property of Adymio Books, unless otherwise indicated in writing and agreed with the rights holders and governed by these Terms of Use.

Adymio Books and what is the subject of intellectual property are protected by the laws on copyright, distinctive signs, and trademarks in force in the United States, as well as by the law of the European Union, by international treaties and conventions, and by the laws of other countries, where applicable.

Except for information that is in the public domain or for which User has been authorized to use Adymio Books, User may not use, reproduce, copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, download, license, insert into a database, use to create derivative works from, reverse engineer, transfer, or sell any intellectual property, information, software, or products obtained from or through this platform or the Services, in whole or in part.

You are responsible for the content and materials made available using Adymio Books and the Services; by making materials and contents available, the User declares and guarantees that they do not violate the Terms of Use.

Trademarks, domain names, logos, slogans appearing with or relating to the Services are owned by Adymio Books or its business partners, affiliates, agents, group companies. You may not copy, publish or use such trademarks without the prior written consent of Adymio Books.

The use of Adymio Books and the Services does not grant Users any right to use or license to use or reproduce Adymio Books or any third-party trademarks.


To notify us of any infringement or improper use of Adymio Books or the Services, the User can write to adymio.books@gmail.com.

8.   Limitations of Liability:

Adymio Books is in no way responsible for the correctness of the information provided by Users. Any consequence deriving from a non-compliant use of Adymio Books and the Services with respect to these Terms of Use is attributable to the User.

Adymio Books cannot assume any responsibility for the content entered by Users on the Platform. Despite periodic testing by Adymio Books, Adymio Books cannot guarantee that the Platform is free from viruses or other potentially harmful programs. Before accessing the network and carrying out any operation, including, in particular, downloading documents and software, the User must always adopt the most up-to-date IT protection measures.

Adymio Books will not be liable for damages incurred by you or any third party in connection with your use of Adymio Books and the Services or the information contained therein, including, but not limited to, economic loss, loss or corruption of data, loss of benefits or interest, unless otherwise agreed with Adymio Books or as otherwise required by law applicable to Adymio Books (such as data protection laws, law enforcement

Force Majeure: Adymio Books will not be responsible for any delay or failure in the performance of its obligations under these Terms of Use if such delay or failure is caused by an event beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, strikes, lockouts, fires, floods, epidemics, riots, terrorist acts, war, or any other event beyond its control.

Applicable law and jurisdiction: These Terms of Use and the use of Hilo healthcare and the Services will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Italian law, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Rome, Italy.

Final Provisions: These Terms of Use, together with the Privacy Policy, represent the entire agreement between you and Adymio Books regarding the use of : Adymio Books and the Services and supersedes any prior agreements between you and : Adymio Books.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary and the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect.

Adymio Books' failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use shall not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision.

The headings of these Terms of Use are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.


9.    Compensation and indemnification: You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Adymio Books, its agents, contractors, directors, and employees from and against all claims, actions, demands, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of your violation of any provision of the Terms of Use or any warranty provided herein or otherwise arising in any way out of any illegal or unauthorized use of Adymio Books and/or the Services.

10. Modification and termination: The User can terminate the Terms of Use at any time by canceling their subscription to the Services with immediate effect. Upon cancellation, Adymio Books will remove the Account and all information contained therein, except as specified in the period below.

In the event that the User's access to the Services is terminated, the User will still be bound by the obligations arising from these Terms of Use and any additional conditions, including the warranties issued by the User and the exclusions and limitations of liability. Adymio Books is also not liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access.

Adymio Books has the right to suspend or terminate your Account, effective immediately, if you violate these Terms of Use. The User who has been suspended or removed for violation of the Terms of Use does not have the right to register a new Account without the express authorization of Adymio Books.

11. Applicable law and jurisdiction: The Terms of Use, the rights and obligations of Users and Adymio Books, and all actions provided for by this agreement will be governed by Italian law. Any disputes that arise between the User and Adymio Books are devolved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Milan, without prejudice to any different allocations of jurisdiction established by law in favor of the User.

12. General provisions: Use of the Services is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms and conditions, including, without limitation, this paragraph.

No joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and Adymio Books as a result of the Terms of Use or your use of our Services and Adymio Books.


In the event of invalidity or unenforceability by law of any provision of the Terms of Use, including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and limitations of liability set forth above, the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect, and the invalid and/or unenforceable provision will be deemed replaced by the valid and applicable provision that most closely corresponds to the ratio and spirit of the original provision.


Adymio Books' performance of the Terms of Use is subject to all applicable laws and procedures, and nothing contained in the Terms of Use waives Adymio Books' right to comply with any request or requirement arising under the application of these laws.

©2023 Adymio. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use